23ª Bienal Internacional de Artes Gráficas de Ljubljana
Por Maria Bonomi
Luiz Monforte sets his handswith undisputed mastery to employ all of the bewildering paraphernalia that the computer has to offer. He is without doubt the most advanced of Latin American “high tech” creative artist in the sense suggested by Elizabeth Le Compte when she says that “the new naturalism is eletronic and filmic”. At heart a realist, embracing, gathering and selecting, associating and dissociating, thinking through the medium to a final result charged with originality. His paradigm founded on the “gesture of a haptic gaze” is also the palimpsest – information printed on printed information. Collage, montage and bricollage as a means of describing that which the senses think when representing the great Allegory…
Fonte: Catálogo da delegação brasileira na 23a. Bienal Internacional de Artes Gráficas de Ljubljana, Eslovênia 1999